ConfigMgr Remote Control over CMG

As of January 2021 this long awaited feature is still not available in Current Branch. (the last CB I checked was 2010)

After it’s been away from a long time in the Technical Preview it is at least back in TP 2009. MVP Jörgen Nilsson tested this feature in TP 2009. See his article for more information.

VirtualBox:show menu in Guest OS

You can remove the menu bar from your Guest OS (View, Menu Bar, Show Menu Bar).


But how do you get the menu back ? By default the shortcut key to show the menu is “Host-Home” (Host = right Ctrl key by default).

If you have changed the default key for the menu, be sure to check this key in the menu: Input, Keyboard, Keyboard Settings, Popup Menu before you hide the menu bar !


Using atom as Python editor


I have been testing atom for editing Python code. (

Overall I was impressed.  A lot of add-ins (called ‘Packages’) are available on top of the default ones.

I installed the ‘Script’ ( package to run scripts from within Python.   You can install this package from atom: ‘Settings’, ‘Install’ (search for script …)

Once this is done you need to remember starting atom with the command “atom .” (and configure script using ‘Packages’, ‘Script’, ‘Configure Script’) – then you can run a script with the shortcut ‘shift-ctrl-b’ (for Windows), or from the atom menu: ‘Packages’, ‘Script’, …’

Multiple Notepad++ windows


Viewing multiple files side by side in Notepad++ comes in handy.  I was looking how this can be done and apparently it’s easier than you may think.

Just rightclick on the tab of the file you want to see next to the current one.  In the lowest part of this menu you can find what you need:

Move to Other View
Clone to Other View
Move to New Instance (you may prefer this or the next one if you are working with  multiple monitors)
Clone to New Instance

Another option – less obvious is to start Notepadd++ with the parameter -multiInst.  I found this here.